Mazda CX 5 2022 Navigation Tempered Glass
Параметри на продукта
1. Compatibility:
- Model: Mazda CX-5
- Year: 2022 (Specify the model year as screen designs might change slightly with updates)
- Screen Size: The 2022 Mazda CX-5 features a 10.25-inch central infotainment display. Confirm the exact size.
- Fit: Precision-cut to perfectly fit the 2022 CX-5’s navigation display, covering the entire active area while leaving appropriate space for any sensors, buttons, or design elements around the screen’s perimeter.
2. Material:
- Type: High-quality tempered glass (not plastic film).
- Hardness: 9H hardness rating (Mohs scale). This provides superior scratch resistance against everyday objects.
- Thickness: Typically ranges from 0.2mm to 0.33mm. This thinness ensures a seamless look and maintains optimal touch sensitivity while still offering robust protection.
3. Optical Properties:
- Transparency: Ultra-high transparency (99% or higher) to preserve the original brightness, clarity, and color accuracy of the CX-5’s display.
- HD Clarity: Ensures a sharp, vivid, and detailed visual experience, maintaining the high-resolution quality of the Mazda Connect infotainment system.
- Anti-Glare/Anti-Reflection: A crucial feature for a vehicle. The protector should include a high-quality anti-glare or anti-reflection coating to minimize glare from sunlight and improve visibility while driving.
4. Surface Treatments:
- Oleophobic Coating: A must-have. This coating repels fingerprints, oils, and smudges, making the screen easy to clean and maintaining a pristine appearance.
- Hydrophobic Coating: Repels water, causing it to bead up and roll off.
- Anti-Fingerprint: Minimizes the visibility of fingerprints.
5. Touch Sensitivity:
- High Touch Sensitivity: Engineered to maintain the original touch responsiveness of the CX-5’s touchscreen. There should be absolutely no lag, delay, or loss of sensitivity.
- Smooth Feel: Provides a smooth, glass-like tactile experience.
6. Installation:
- Bubble-Free Adhesive: Uses a high-quality silicone adhesive that ensures a bubble-free installation.
- Installation Kit: Includes a comprehensive installation kit with:
- Microfiber cleaning cloth
- Стикери за отстраняване на прах
- Alcohol prep pad (or similar cleaning solution)
- Squeegee or applicator card
- Detailed installation guide
- Easy Installation: Designed for easy DIY installation.
7. Durability & Protection:
- Shatterproof/Anti-Shatter: In the event of a breakage, the tempered glass is designed to hold together.
- Impact Resistance: While primarily for scratch protection, tempered glass provides an added layer of impact resistance.
8. Additional Features (May Vary):
- Privacy Filter: Less common for a car’s navigation screen.
- Blue Light Filter: Might be included to reduce eye strain.
9. Warranty:
- Manufacturer’s Warranty: A reputable manufacturer might offer a warranty against defects in materials or workmanship.
Example Table:
Parameter | Specification |
Съвместимост | Mazda CX-5 |
Year | 2022 |
Screen Size | 10.25-inch (Confirm exact size) |
Материал | Premium Tempered Glass |
Hardness | 9H |
Дебелина | 0.2mm – 0.33mm |
Transparency | >99% (Ultra-High Transparency) |
Coating | Oleophobic, Hydrophobic, Anti-Glare |
Чувствителност на докосване | High, maintains original responsiveness |
Инсталация | Bubble-free adhesive, comprehensive kit included |
Shatterproof | Да |
Гаранция | (Check with manufacturer) |

Научете повече за нас

Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is a testament to our commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We combine cutting-edge technology, stringent quality control, skilled workforce, scalable production, customization options, and sustainable practices to deliver premium car screen protectors that meet the needs of our valued partners. We invite you to partner with us and experience the difference that our factory can make for your business.
1. Modern And Dynamic Working Office
Проектирано с мисъл за продуктивността, нашето офис пространство съчетава функционалност и комфорт, създавайки среда, в която креативността процъфтява. Големите прозорци заливат офиса с естествена светлина, което подобрява благосъстоянието и мотивацията на нашите служители. Вярваме, че позитивната работна среда води до по-добри резултати, поради което сме включили и ергономични мебели и уелнес зони, насърчаващи здравословния баланс между работата и личния живот. Всяко работно място е оборудвано с най-новите технологии, което гарантира, че екипът ни може да работи с максимална ефективност, независимо дали управлява проекти, координира логистиката или разработва нови стратегии.
2. State-of-the-art Clean Room Facility
Оборудвана с най-съвременни системи за филтриране, нашата чиста стая работи по стандарт ISO клас 5, като поддържа среда с по-малко от 100 частици на кубичен метър. Това гарантира, че вашите продукти се произвеждат в атмосфера, в която чистотата и прецизността са приоритет. В нашето съоръжение работят висококвалифицирани специалисти, които се придържат към строги протоколи, като гарантират, че всеки аспект на производството отговаря или надхвърля вашите очаквания за качество. нашата чиста стая се поддържа щателно, за да се осигури контролирана среда, свободна от замърсители като прах, микроби и химически изпарения. Този стриктен контрол е от решаващо значение за производството на висококачествени продукти, които изискват строга чистота.
3. Quality Control Department
Нашият отдел е оборудван с най-съвременна технология за проверка, която щателно проверява всеки протектор за яснота, дебелина и прецизност на ръбовете. От етапа на суровините до крайния продукт нашият екип от квалифицирани експерти по контрол на качеството извършва строги тестове, за да открие и отстрани всякакви несъвършенства, като мехурчета, драскотини или несъответствия.Използваме усъвършенствани методи за оптично тестване, за да гарантираме, че всеки протектор за екран осигурява кристално ясна видимост и безпроблемна чувствителност при докосване. Освен това придържането ни към строгите индустриални стандарти гарантира, че нашите продукти са не само издръжливи, но и осигуряват оптимална защита за различните устройства.
4. Scalable Production Capacity
We understand that our partners need a reliable supplier who can meet their fluctuating demands. Our factory boasts a scalable production capacity, allowing us to fulfill both small and large orders with ease. Whether you need a few hundred units or tens of thousands, we can adjust our production accordingly without compromising on quality or lead times. This flexibility ensures that you always have the inventory you need to meet your customers’ demands. This also applies to different models, whether that be a Ford or a Tesla, we can adjust our manufacturing to provide for any type of screen.
5. Customization and Private Labeling Options
We offer a range of customization options to help our partners differentiate their offerings. We can produce screen protectors with your company logo, branding, or unique design elements, creating a personalized product that enhances your brand identity. Our private labeling services allow you to market our high-quality screen protectors under your own brand, giving you greater control over your product line and pricing strategy. We also have a curve option for certain car models.
6. Sustainable and Ethical Manufacturing Practices
We are committed to operating our factory in a sustainable and ethical manner. We prioritize the use of eco-friendly materials and strive to minimize waste throughout our production process. Our energy-efficient equipment and practices help reduce our carbon footprint. We also adhere to fair labor practices, ensuring a safe and positive working environment for our employees. We believe that responsible manufacturing is not only good for the planet but also good for business.